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AglioMania (GarlicMania) refers to TulipoMania that took place in the early 17th century Netherland. During this time, tulip bulbs were traded for enormous prices.The market eventually crashed , thus the term bubble economy.

During Wealth of Nations / Bogatstvo naroda media art exhibiiton at Cinema City festival (Novi Sad, june 6-14, 2009), AglioMania designates ONE fresh garlic bulb as the object of desire and mobilizes a bidding frenzy. With expanded social network scheme, G-dinar appropriated from Serbian currency is distributed and accumulated. A la Joseph Beuys "Kunst=Kapital", Agliomania proposes "Friends=Kapital", the G-capital at Agliomania is earned by having friends. Having friends accepting your invitation to join bidding makes you more G-dinar, thus more power to bid. The highest bidder eventually gets the desired garlic bulb.

Concept/Direction Shu Lea Cheang
Graphic Design Fabio Lapiana
Programming Roger Sennert